Get your air quality sensors !

Our air quality sensors monitor and assess your indoor air quality. It helps you detect any air problems.

Why choose us for
your air quality sensors ?

capteur accessible

We make sensors
data accessible

Our algorithm smoothes measured data and makes it easier to read and analyze.


We identify anomalies through our analyses

All sensors-retrieved data are processed by our control and smoothing algorithms. Thus, we can detect any problems or anomalies related to sensors measurements.


We adapt to
your needs

We collaborate with several sensors suppliers to provide you the most suited sensors for your needs. You’re not restricted to a single catalog and to a single supplier.

Octopus Lab expertise in sensors data processing

Octopus Lab uses a registered data processing technology. This solution enhances and improves your measurement data processing.

Our algorithms analyze your data, detect anomalies (decreasing accuracy, etc.) and correct them when needed. Our smoothing algorithms improve informations transmission quality, making data processing easier and improving deployed sensors accuracy.

More reliable and more accurate data

sensor data

We provide you
the best sensors
on the market

We equip your buildings with sensors provided by recognized and reliable suppliers. Together, we choose the best suited sensors for your air quality and comfort, based on your specific needs. 

Our solutions are compatible with every kind of connected sensors.

solution GTB GTC Octopus Lab, de classe A, b ou c

and more…

We deploy all kinds of
air quality sensors


Temperature is not just a comfort matter. It’s also a very important factor when it comes to your energy saving strategy.


Hygrometry is a significant indicator of air renewal. High humidity can cause mold and mildew issues which can lead to major lung problems.


CO2 is a key indicator when it comes to air renewal and therefore, ventilation. High levels can lead to lack of concentration, tiredness, irritation, headaches, etc.

Particulate matter

Particulate matter are emitted both by human activities (transport, industries, etc.) and natural sources (fires, etc.). They cause inflammation and worsen heart and lung affections.  


Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are more concentrated indoor than outdoor. They may lead to skin, mucous membranes and pulmonary system irritation, cancer, etc.


Formaldehyde is a VOC. It’s one of the most common organic compounds in chemical industry (glues, resins, varnishes, etc.). It can cause eye and respiratory irriation.


Radon is a colorless and odorless radioactive gas from natural origins. It’s classified as lung carcinogen and represents the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer behind tobacco.


Ozone is one of the stratosphere essential gas whose role is to protect us from the sun. However, it’s toxic to breath and can cause coughing, chest discomfort and pain on deep inhalation.


Nitrogen oxides are gaseous compounds mostly emitted by combustion engins and thermal power station. They reduce lung function. 


Benzene is a synthetic hydrocarbon listed as a VOC. It’s commonly used in industry and may cause  headaches, nausea and even cancer if chronically exposed.

We also monitor your
energy consumption

Let's talk about your indoor air quality

We don’t manufacture sensors. However, we’ve developed a technology to monitor and improve your indoor air quality through sensor data. It also allows you to save energy by controlling ventilation and optimizing heating.

We’ve also developed the OCTOPILOT, a gateway retrieving data from your ventilation and heating systems and piloting them.

We don’t sell sensors alone because we are not resellers. We primarily market a software solution, INDALO® Supervision fonctionning with air quality sensors.

Depending on your needs and options, we can provide both power supplies.

What's next ?
Monitor and improve your air quality

Discover our reporting platform to monitor and improve your indoor air quality via our personalized recommandations.